We have reserved this section of our website to share travel destination videos. We post many travel destination videos to our YouTube account and we also share them here on our website with our clients. We encourage you to share your travel videos with us. It is our hope that we are providing an artistic and creative outlet for you that also benefits our client community.
Travel destination videos capture memories that provide travel insights to others viewing the video during the process of weighing options for their next vacation travel destination. A travel destination video is the next best thing to actually being there and adds the dimension of movement and sound that you don’t get with pictures. We also encourage our clients to guest blog about travel experiences; this a great chance to share your travelogue, videos and pictures with others.
Please submit your videos, pictures and blogs to us for consideration and we will respond promptly. We encourage you to become an active member of the World Travel Agency community!
Please email your videos today to mlabaw@travelwta.com.