Today travel experiences are often referred to as experiential travel, authentic travel and immersion travel (See our Glossary). Travel is all about experiences, so why all the hub-bub about authentic, experiential and immersion travel? Well, it is a major movement in the travel industry today! The idea behind experiential travel is that travelers are not just sightseers and vacationers, sightseeing is simply not enough. Instead many travelers immerse themselves into the history, cultures and lives of the people in the area of their travel destination. We’ve heard it said that travel excites the senses, broadens the mind, lifts the heart, stir emotions and enriches the soul, now that’s a mouthful of superlatives, but it is our desire that our clients’ travel always measures up to their expectations. We listen carefully and collaborate when you explain the travel experience you desire and seek to thoroughly understand your goals and desires and then present you with options, alternatives and ideas so your travel experiences are most authentic and enjoyable possible.
Experiential travelers have a passion to dive deeper and connect with people and cultures in a way that enriches their lives and creates life-long memories. Unfortunately, they often find destinations have become commercialized and the excitement of arriving in a new city has been replaced by the challenge of cramming the exploration of the city into one day or two days with contrived whirlwind tours of museums, galleries, churches and castles. Too often travelers are left wanting after experiencing a contrived, mass marketed travel experience when their heart’s desire is to be immersed in the experience, to have a real conversation and exchange of ideas and an opportunity to give back.
If you are looking for more than just amenities, comforts, entertainment, must-sees and photos and want a travel experience that affects you profoundly and enriches your life beyond your wildest expectations, please let us assist you in planning your trip, that is what we are here for! Whether you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer and give back to the people of an area you are visiting, working and experiencing on a sustainable farm or ranch first hand, attending a life changing educational symposium, escaping to the far corners of the earth, embarking on an incredible adventure or experiencing a local festival or cultural event, we would like to be your partner in planning your travel experience.